
Worldwide Favorites Launch

In order to drive excitement and participation in the Currency Exchange event among Hispanic adventurous eaters, we led a media relations and influencer marketing campaign with travel experts and social influencers, including Carmen Dominicci and Maity Interiano. Tactics included:

  • Conducting traditional media outreach among Hispanic lifestyle media, including desk side appointments with Hispanic travel expert Carmen Dominicci who encouraged the audience to use leftover foreign currency from travels to try the Worldwide Favorites menu items
  • Distributing mailers to Hispanic influencers and leveraging partner travel and food influencers to drive attention to Currency Exchange and encourage trial of the Worldwide Favorites on their platforms

Results included 41 earned traditional and social media placements, generating ~7M impressions, including placements from top national Hispanic outlets and influencers such as People en Español, Mamás Latinas, Styled by Ale and syndication on all ImpreMedia publications.

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